
Synthetics Test

Cloud-Based Real-Time Performance Synthetics Testing and User Experience Monitoring

Global Distributed Cloud Synthetics Testing Network, Real-Time Monitoring of Application Performance

By deploying synthetics testing nodes in the cloud and leveraging a globally distributed monitoring network, real-world user scenarios are simulated to manage application performance and monitor network performance. The service supports various synthetics testing types, promptly detecting service delays and interruptions to ensure high performance and availability of applications.

(1) Global Synthetics Testing Network

  • Deploy globally distributed synthetics testing nodes to simulate real user operations.
  • Real-time monitoring of application response time and service availability.

(2) Performance Data Analysis

  • Collect synthetics testing data for in-depth performance analysis.
  • Identify performance bottlenecks and optimize application performance.

(3) Granular Monitoring and Real-Time Alerts

  • 7x24 hours granular fault real-time monitoring, alerting, and performance analysis services.
  • Customize performance thresholds and send notifications to multiple channels when alerts are triggered.

(4) Visual Analysis and User Experience Evaluation

  • Rich metric system and chart types for intuitive root cause identification.
  • Analyze user experience data to evaluate application service quality.